The theme of the 2024 Worship Conference was The Crisis of Conservative Worship. Christians and church leaders around the world are facing a vital decision as to whether or not they will worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29, Psalm 96:9, Hebrews 13:8) or acquiesce to the ways of the contemporary agenda to worship God however one desires. The aim of the conference in 2024 was to establish the believer in Truth, engage in conversation, and equip christians with tools to conserve through the crisis.
The conference was hosted by Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana and sponsored by Southland Christian Ministries. The conference was held January 2-5, 2024 and attended by approximately 250 individuals. |
Keynote speakers included Dr. Scott Aniol, Pastor Michael Riley, Pastor Erik Hanson, Pastor Mark Minnick, Pastor Jonathan Johnson, and Pastor Tom Fuller. Workshop speakers included Dr. Douglas Bachorik, Dr. Seth Custer, Dr. Peter Davis, Dr. Phil Gingery, Dr. Cleusia Goncalves, Dr. Pitágoras Goncalves, Dr. David Ledgerwood, Adam Morgan, Megan Morgan, Scott Johnson, and Dr. Charles Plummer.
This conference faithfully proclaims Scripture as our authority and lovingly applies its truths to real world problems in our homes, churches, and country." Pastor
This conference is one of being "[built] up in your most holy faith" in practice and discernment." College Student
I am so thankful for the sound, Biblical teaching at this conference. The fellowship and the practical church pianist tips were a great encouragement." Church Pianist
These conferences bring together like-minded conservative Christians who have not “arrived,” but rather who humbly recognize their need to continue to grow in the Scripture’s teaching on the matter of worship. I would heartily recommend coming to these for fellowship, instruction, and exposure to good conservative resources." Pastor